Review Khaliq B.

Lucky has been a coach, mentor, and a deep source of spiritual motivation for me for nearly half of my life. What began as him developing my ability to shoot a basketball, soon transformed into him developing my skills as a human being. And while I don’t play basketball anymore, the lessons that Lucky has taught me and the lessons that he continues to bring to light in my life have instilled a sense direction and empowerment in myself that continues to serve me year after year. Not only has he helped me to understand the role that I have in my own my life, as the owner of my decisions; but he has also helped me to understand that I am not alone in this journey, and that there is a higher power aiding and abiding my every move. I have always admired the way that Coach Lucky has been able to take any concept, big or small, and break it down in a way that is readily understood by his audience. He draws metaphors and parallels between points in so many ways that he makes even some of the most intricate and high level concepts so easily accessible and understood. His intuition and knack for connecting with others is truly astounding, and his insight and ability to teach and empower those who come into contact with him is unmatched. I never walk away from a conversation with him without feeling inspired. I am truly grateful and honored to have him as a part of my life. Thank you Luck, much love always!
-Khaliq Bedhart-Ghani
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